The Best Radio Control Transmitter – The Jumper T16 Pro
The Jumper T16 is a multi-protocol radio that has is of high quality with Hall gimbals and is extremely affordable. Are the days of carrying around several radios over? Can pilots both fixed-wing and fpv drones purchase any receiver and not worry about the receiver type? Let’s dive in and explore the features of the Jumper T16 Pro Radio. The T16 Pro can work with all existing receivers, so nothing extra is required to purchase to use the Jumper T16 Pro
Jumper T16 Now Comes with OpenTX
As of late 2019, all Jumper T16 Pro from GraysonHobby now have bootloader installed and come with the Open Tx software
We did notice a few models coming in that did not meet this standard, but do not worry, our expert staff flashes and upgrades each radio before shipping out (if necessary)
update Jan 18 2020

Jumper T16 Pro Features
The Jumper T16 Pro is most affordable, high-performance open-source remote control on the market today.
- Hall Effect Gimbals
- Diverse Power Options: Either 2S Lipo or 2 x 18650 batteries
- Supports TBS Cross Fire Module
- Supports FrSky R9M
- Runs Open TX
- Voice Alarms
- Haptic Vibration Alarms | FeedBack
The Jumper T16 Pro is a full size form factor, unlike the many cheaper versions in the past, this radio feels like a quality transmitter.
The Screen is awesome! If you like large screens, then the Jumper T16 Pro will be a perfect match. This has the same size screen as on other more expensive transmitters that sell for close to $500.
Hall Sensor Gimbal!
The sweet spot on the Jumper T16 Pro is the Hall Sensor Gimbals. Yes, the Pro version sold by for $159.99 contains the Hall Gimbals. This is just $10 more than the non-pro version which makes the version at Grayson Hobby a smoking deal! Shop Jumper at – Click Here

Pincher and Thumbers Have a choice
There are few screws next to the Gimbals Sticks that actual raise and lower the gimbal sticks. So if you are a pincher or thumber, you can adjust the sticks to the perfect height and comfort level. A minor detail, but oh so cool and this simple feature will make the Jumer T16 pro feel that much better in the hands of any pilot. For those who like to use a neck strap, the T16 offers a neck strap which balances perfectly for those pinchers if you remove the balance bar.
The sticks can be adjusted to accommodate any aftermarket stick ends, but the stock stick ends are perfectly fine and there is no need for the average user to switch.
Switches and Sliders Oh My
There are 6 trim switches – Typically most radios just have 4 trim switches, however, the T16 Pro has a total of 6 trim switches. Why are there 2 spare switches? You can assign them to any channel or servo as you wish such as a head tracker camera, bomb bay doors, or anything you can imagine.
There are plenty of switches for Fixed Wing Pilots and quad pilots alike. There are a total of 8 switches total on the Jumper T16
- 6 x 3-way switches (back, middle front)
- 1 x 2 way switch (arm / disarm or gear up / gear down)
- 1 x momentary spring-loaded switch (trainer mode or similar)
- 2 x Dial Switch (Pots | Potentiometers) | used for gain / sensitivity)
- 2 x Sliders (left & right)
- 6 x Trim buttons (2 x spare trim buttons)

How does this work?
The brain / guts of the entire system is the external module. This module contains the RF and is 100% external. There is no internal RF module, so if you want to use a CrossFire or R9M module, the Jumper RF module will need to be removed.
The JP4IN is revolutionary in the RC technology. In the past GraysonHobby has tested many muti-protocol transmitters and 100% of them were terrible.
This Jumper T16 Pro is in a call all by itself. The JP4IN1 external RF module supports many popular protocols such as FrSky, FlySky, Hubsan.
What does this mean? If you currently have an older FlySky or FrSky radio, then moving to the Jumper T16 Pro just requires rebinding of the receivers.
The T16 Pro can work with all existing receivers, so nothing extra is required to purchase to use the Jumper T16 Pro
A Plug and Play CrossFire Solution
Nothing extra is required to enable TBS CrossFire. Just plug in the CrossFire Module, configure the settings, bind, then fly. No Mods are required to use the CrossFire 900mhz systems such as other popular radios.
Power Supply Options
The Jumper T16 Pro requires (not included) 2 x 18650 batteries. In the rear of the transmitter, the battery slot contains a 2-Cell holder which you install the 18650 BUTTON tops, do NOT use the flat tops as they will move around. A Grayson Tip, add a small piece of foam inside the battery tray to eliminate any play with the battery tray. If there was no play with the battery tray, removing the holder would be difficult causing damage. Just about every high end radio has or requires a small piece of foam.
Charging Batteries
There is no onboard charger with the Jumper T16 Pro, but most chargers these days do not have a built-in charger. There are too many types of batteries options and someone who does not understand can really ruin the transmitter and batteries if not properly charged. To charge the batteries, you will need to remove the batteries and use any appropriate charger.
SD Card
The Jumper T16 Pro includes a 512mb micro SD card which contains all of the required software. This SD Card is required to turn on the radio, by removing this SD Card, the jumper T16 will not boot. It’s very wise before you start editing models, files, and any other file in the radio, make a backup of the entire SD Card. If there are any corrupt models, there is a good chance you might get the “EMERGENCY MODE” warning error. There is a quick simple fix to recover the Radio. So remember, back up the SD Card
The OpenTx is the backbone of the Jumper T16 pro, however, it’s slightly modified for the Jumper Radio. This is a fork of the OpenTX and 100% licensed, so because when importing models from other radios, they may not work 100% and give you the Emergency Mode –
Size and Weight
The Jumper T16 weight and size is what you expect in larger more expensive models. This fits the pilots hand awesome and does not feel like a little toy transmitter. With the 18650 batteries installed, the T16 pro weighs 860g slightly lower than comparable models.
This model balances perfectly without any additional neck strap adapters, this has been the most talked about the feature of the ergonomics from Grayson Hobby customers who have held this unit.
The balanced transmitter helps fly the FPV Drone or airplane without your hands becoming fatigued. This could be a huge benefit for pinches as the radio will also be true and level making flying while pinching that much easier.

Jumper T16 Pro Manual
If you like to read, there is a 90+ page manual for the Jumper Radio T16. Yes 90 pages, although many of the pages are images which take up a lot of room on a page, there is a lot of great important content in the digital copy of the manal. There is no hardcopy of the manual with the Jumper Radio, but there is a 94-page digital copy – Click here to download the Jumper Manual
Jumper Trainer Port
After confirming with Jumper, we can confirm there is a trainer port on the Jumper Radio, it looks like an audio jack but in fact is a trainer port plug. Honestly, we do not yet know how to use this, but we have reached out to Jumper for some help with documentation on the trainer port
Is the Jumer T16 Pro worth Purchasing?
For just $159.99 with Hall Sensor Gimbals, this is absolutely worth the purchase. This is an awesome radio and has plenty of channels and features even for the most experienced RC pilot. If you have any experience with any radio with OpenTX you should feel right at home with the T16 Pro software. So as Jumper states this is the most advanced RC transmitter on the market.

Where to Purchase the Jumper T16 Pro with Hall Gimbals
220 Old Loganville Road
Loganville, Georgia 30052 – USA
Tel 678 – 682 – 9123
Will this radio work with Turnigy TGY-iA6B and TGYiA19B from hobby King. Also, I noted that you were, at the time out of stock and waiting for a shipment. I will wait for the answer about the receivers that I have , (13 or 14) and the date you will have the radio back in stock before I send in my order .. Thanks for the reply in advance, As it stands right now, I have 10 models with receivers in them, and my radio has a major problem and keeps on readjusting it’s program in the air. I have not lost a model yet, but I have damaged one, too many times Thanks again,……….. Al Harse